“P” or “S” Type Innovation?

New business models are not always (and more often than not) about new products and thus an engineering focus isn’t always the best approach. Safi Bahcall’s fascinating book “Loonshots” divides companies into two basic types of business innovation, P (product) or S (strategy) type and whilst giving many great examples of both, suggests that S type innovators usually come out on top in the end.

Pan Am was one of the most innovative airlines in the world, one of the most well known brands across the world and attracted a rockstar image. Pilots would have their autograph’s taken and everyone cool flew with them. They championed the jet engine for airlines so that they could fly over clouds and over the weather when going long distances. It may be surprising to know but the jet engine had a very difficult birth for commercial airlines but Pan Am revolutionised the whole industry. Their legacy was so strong that it’s hard for us now to even think of airlines without jet engines. But their innovation approach was all “Product” (P).

American Airlines on the other hand was a comparatively boring airline. Nothing special. However they were also very innovative but on little changes to the business model that no one would perhaps notice or were boring and hard to describe. Innovations that Safi’s calls the “S” or Strategy approach. They gave away free computer booking systems to travel agents, making booking with them much easier than any other airline. They also pioneered fast turnaround times and new rolling hub and spoke route models as well as other ideas…

When things got tough, Pan Am couldn’t maintain their rate of innovation, everything new costing them hundreds of millions to develop and test. Whereas American Airlines quietly took over. Nothing glitzy, but strategy innovations are cheaper to build, quicker to test and can be more effective in the long run.

Sorry if this is disappointing to the engineers reading this. Think about how you can use your skills to pioneer different approaches success rather than pure product ones. There are nine other alternatives to look at…

Ten Ways for Business Model Innovation

The rest of this section is based on Larry Keeley’s great book “Ten Types of Innovation”. A really easy to read and easy to understand concept that there are ten ways to climb the mountain and stay ahead of your competition.

Greatly expanding on this idea of P or S type innovation, and based on their many years of consulting experience, Larry and his team came up with a wonderfully helpful observation. That there are many ways to be innovative, but for many engineers and designers who don’t look past their comfort zone. A better product, a better design might only touch on one of these different ways to be innovative and the others deserve more attention.

Larry divides the ten types of innovation into three categories:

1. Configuration

Four types: Focused on the inner workings of the business and it’s system, behind the scenes things that customers may not notice.

2. Offering

Two types: Focused on the core product or service, the value proposition. If you’re a manager of engineers, take note, this is often all they care about.

3. Experience

Four types: Focused on the customer facing elements that are not the product or service.

The 4 Configuration Types:

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1. Profit Model

How you make money

Innovative profit models find a fresh way to convert a firm’s offerings and other sources of value into cash. Great ones reflect a deep understanding of what customers and users actually cherish and where new revenue or pricing opportunities might lie.

Innovative profit models often challenge an industry’s tired old assumptions about what to offer, what to charge, or how to collect revenues. This is a big part of their power: in most industries the dominant profit model often goes unquestioned for decades.

Some Keywords: Freemium, Auction, Forced Scarcity, Subscription, Risk Sharing…


Games like Dota2 (pictured) and League of Legends have waved the flag high for a revolution in computer game profit models, with LoL making $18m every 5 days back in 2015. Despite these incredible earning figures, the games are free and you can play as long as you like without ever having to pay anything.

However if you want to you can spend money, perhaps 10p perhaps £10 on different items of clothing for your characters or viewing access to special events where stadiums are filled with spectators and all the games are with professional commentary.

Interesting to note is that these purchases are purely cosmetic and offer no in game performance bonus so there’s no pay to win element like some other “freemium” models promote, people pay entirely based on their enjoyment or fear of missing out social pressure.

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2. Network

How you connect with others to create value

Network innovations provide a way for firms to take advantage of other companies’ processes, technologies, offerings, channels, and brands, pretty much any and every component of a business. These innovations mean a firm can capitalise on its own strengths while harnessing the capabilities and assets of others.

Network innovations also help executives to share risk in developing new offers and ventures. These collaborations can be brief or enduring, and they can be formed between close allies or even staunch competitors.

Some Keywords: Alliances, Mergers, Open Innovation, Franchising, Collaboration…

Companies working together can be a great win-win for both parties if their values align and their offerings support each other. GoPro & Redbull have been one very successful such partnership for years.

Another network example are those of successful franchise organisations. Domino’s Pizza for instance have a powerful network of provisions that operate as a competitive advantage, helping each individual owner (franchisee) to succeed against other pizza providers. Although each place is run individually and with variations in their offering for the local market they all enjoy shared resources, promotions, equipment and process innovation behind the scenes.

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3. Structure

How you organise and align your talent and assets

Structure innovations are focused on organising company assets - hard, human, or intangible - in unique ways that create value. They can include everything from superior talent management systems to ingenious configurations of heavy capital equipment.

Ideally, such innovations also help attract talent to the organisation by creating supremely productive working environments or fostering a level of performance that competitors can’t match.

Some Keywords: Knowledge Management, Standardisation, Organisational Design...


Take for instance the differences in the HQ designs of two of the world’s largest companies and fierce rivals. Apple, whose building seems to represent a religious type experience, a spiritual home for Apple the brand and the design ethos. Sending out a calling to the world that the people who work (and want to work) in this building are all members of this calling. Contrast that with the architectural chaos and theme park like nature of Google’s campus and it’s designed to attract a very different person. Both buildings are structural innovations, with both companies able to attract the best talent that is drawn to the corporate culture.

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4. Process

How you use signature or superior methods to do your work

Process innovations involve the activities and operations that produce an enterprise’s primary offerings. Innovating here requires a dramatic change from “business as usual” that enables the company to use unique capabilities, function efficiently, adapt quickly, and build market–leading margins.

Process innovations often form the core competency of an enterprise, and may include patented or proprietary approaches that yield advantage for years or even decades. Ideally, they are the “special sauce” you use that competitors simply can’t replicate.

Some Keywords: On-Demand Production, IP, Localisation, User-Generated…

Ford, and then later Toyota are the classic process innovator examples. Cars used to be made like individual unique craft products and when Ford turned up with a new way to make things, there were almost 1,000 competing car companies in the US.

McDonalds is another, before they perfected the fast food kitchen (inspired by the mass production factories of their time) food delivery and service was a slow time consuming affair. Like Ford before them, it was a revolution for their industry, one in which they were definitely in the lead.


The 2 Offering Types:

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5. Product Performance

How you develop distinguishing features and functionality

Product Performance innovations address the value, features, and quality of a company’s offering. This type of innovation involves both entirely new products as well as updates and line extensions that add substantial value.

Too often, people mistake Product Performance for the sum of innovation. It’s certainly important, but it’s always worth remembering that it is only one of the Ten Types of Innovation, and it’s often the easiest for competitors to copy.

Some Keywords: Superior / Engaging Functionality, Safety, Styling, Focus…


I’ve been building technologies for drones for quite a few years now and DJI is a favourite example of mine. Their split with GoPro (who wanted the dominate share of profits from their joint ventures) and their subsequent domination over their former partner has been, I think, a fantastic case study in Product Performance Innovation.

The rate at which DJI can design, build, launch, review, improve and then relaunch a greatly improved version is just staggering.

A rival drone manufacturer in the US (3DR) saw DJI’s rate of innovation early and with a reported $300m of new investor’s money in the bank decided to abandon the drone hardware market knowing they could not compete in the long term.

GoPro was not so well informed as 3DR (or were perhaps much more self-confident) and thought they didn’t need this relatively unknown Chinese electronics partner, and that without their strong action camera brand DJI was soon to be nothing. In only a few years the tables have completely reversed and DJI are now repeatedly beating GoPro in every product category. Even openly embarrassing them with new unannounced product launches straight after GoPro have delivered theirs.

It’s been painful to watch the drama unfold.

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6. Product System

How you create complementary products and services

Product System innovations are rooted in how individual products and services connect or bundle together to create a robust and scalable system.

This is fostered through interoperability, modularity, integration, and other ways of creating valuable connections between otherwise distinct and disparate offerings. Product System innovations help you build ecosystems that captivate and delight customers and defend against competitors.

Some Keywords: Plug-Ins, Extensions, Modular, Platforms, Bundling…

LEGO is an obvious system example, the more you have the more you can do and the better it becomes. Another that comes to mind is Apple, a semi-closed eco-system of products that are designed to work well together.


The 4 Experience Types:

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7. Service

How you support and amplify the value of your offerings

Service innovations ensure and enhance the utility, performance, and apparent value of an offering. They make a product easier to try, use, and enjoy; they reveal features and functionality customers might otherwise overlook; and they fix problems and smooth rough patches in the customer journey.

Done well, they elevate even bland and average products into compelling experiences that customers come back for again and again.

Some Keywords: Concierge, Experience Management, Guarantees, Added Value…


I hate car rental companies. In perhaps 30 rentals, I can remember only 1 good experience and that was because they gave me the keys when I arrived and I left, no messing around, no filling out all the same forms I had already filled out online, no deciding to charge me 10x what the initial quote was just because I had waited so long in the queue there was no way I was going to queue again somewhere else. Loyalty schemes that charge you more than if you were not a member for the same thing, paying hundreds of pounds more if you buy with a debit card than with a credit card, overpriced insurance… the list goes on!

I suspect the only reason this one time was a nice experience was because it was 2am, I seemed to be the only person in the airport and he wanted to go to bed. I walked up, showed my ID, took the keys and left. 1 minute, no hassle. Joyous.


An example of a company with great service is Zappos (it’s even in their tag line). Tony Hsieh, one of the founding team who very sadly died in 2020, famously said they were a service company that happened to sell shoes, he himself having no interest in shoes or fashion. But what he was passionate about was company culture and customer service.

So impressed were they with the service model that Amazon bought them for $1.2billion in 2009 and kept them completely as they were, with full autonomy to pursue online retail in their own image (just with a big new friend if they needed help).

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8. Channel

How you deliver your offerings to customers and users

Channel innovations encompass all the ways that you connect your company’s offerings with your customers and users. While e-commerce has emerged as a dominant force in recent years, traditional channels such as physical stores are still important - particularly when it comes to creating immersive experiences.

Skilled innovators in this type often find multiple but complementary ways to bring their products and services to customers. Their goal is to ensure that users can buy what they want, when and how they want it, with minimal friction and cost and maximum delight.

Some Keywords: Direct, Cross-Selling, Multi-Level Marketing, Flagship Store…

Tesla is an interesting example for a number of reasons, but one surprising innovation of theirs, often overlooked, is the fact that they sell their cars direct to consumers through their own stores. Every other major car producer sells through a network of third party dealerships, in fact in some States in the US, these dealerships are so powerful that it’s now illegal for car companies to sell direct to consumers.


9. Brand

How you represent your offerings and business

Brand innovations help to ensure that customers and users recognise, remember, and prefer your offerings to those of competitors or substitutes.

They are typically the result of carefully crafted strategies that are implemented across many touch points between your company and your customers, including communications, advertising, service interactions, channel environments, and employee and business partner conduct. Brand innovations can transform commodities into prized products, and confer meaning, intent, and value to your offerings and your enterprise.

Some Keywords: Values Alignment, White Label, Certification, Component Branding


Harley-Davidson, the iconic motorcycle Brand. Rebellion, freedom, Americana, going your own way, life on the open road, Hell’s Angels, ageing white men, mid-life crisis… The brand has been so strong that it’s also become synonymous with an ageing group of users who others no longer want to associated themselves with. So whilst it’s been hugely successful for them, the default choice for many, times change and they need to reinvent themselves to stay relevant and positive.


10. Customer Engagement

How you foster compelling interactions

Customer Engagement innovations are all about understanding the deep-seated aspirations of customers and users, and using those insights to develop meaningful connections between them and your company. Great

Customer Engagement innovations provide broad avenues for exploration, and help people find ways to make parts of their lives more memorable, fulfilling, delightful - even magical.

Some Keywords: Mastery, Personality, Experience, Community, Recognition…

The ‘Fintech’ ‘Challenger Bank’ that’s ‘disrupting’ the personal banking industry. That’s a lot of buzzwords for basically a new company with a smartphone app to help you organise your debit card spending.

But what I’m excited about here is not the app or the technology or whether it’s any good or not. I’m fascinated by their ability to use their customers as product development and more importantly sales tools.

Monzo became hugely successful and widespread through no traditional advertising. Using only word-of-mouth from their customers to spread the news.

In 2019 they prepared their first TV advert, hoping to “cross the chasm” (see next section on marketing for more info on the “chasm”) and be considered a mainstream product and now all the challenger banks are having to do the same. Remember they don’t want to lose the race!


Head for the Gaps

One of many bold ideas in Larry’s book (Bath University Library Link) is the idea of mapping the innovation landscape of your industry. Where do your “running mates” all put their attention? Is this something you should emulate to keep up or can you escape into new space by finding new gaps in the areas where no one has tried


Don’t do Everything

Please remember this is not a check list and that you need to tick every box. Most good companies do only 1 or 2 of these well, most great companies might have 3 or 4 as a focus, but excel in 1 or 2, that’s it.

Doing more than 1 makes you harder to copy, but it’s impossible to more than a few well at the same time. So do your market research, focus your attention and do the important bits well.